Kacia Whilby
In this profile, we’re introduced to Kacia Whilby who comes from Jamaica and is a graduate student in the Educational Administration program.
Get to know Kacia Whilby in this brief interview.
Please briefly introduce yourself.
Hello, my name is Kacia Whilby, and I am a graduate student from the island of Jamaica. I am currently finalizing a Master of Education in Educational Administration.
What 3 words best describe you?
Resilient, compassionate and tenacious.
What does Black History Month mean to you and how do you celebrate it?
Black History Month is a commemorative period for us to acknowledge and celebrate contributions made by members of the black community to society. It is also a reflective period for us to learn more about how our people persevered through trying times to accomplish great things and be inspired. I celebrate Black History Month by supporting any cause or event that uplifts our community, especially our talents in the performing arts.
Finish the sentence: I want more of the campus community...
I want more of the campus community to be inspired by these words of the first black female to enter space, Dr. Mae Jemison “Never limit yourself because of others' limited imagination....” Now more than ever, we need to reflect on these words to push beyond the negative rhetoric of what our community should look like to become the best versions of ourselves. On your way up, lift up another brother or sister and encourage them to do the same!